Ara Gamaliel Boanerges
Ara Gamaliel Boanerges

Hello, I am Ara Gamaliel

the creator and the sole author in gumrindelwald.

Writing and reading activities has always been my favorite thing to do since I was a child. I had tried to write a blog before, but never sustained until ... this.

Back then in 2021, I started to learn web development for the first time with a sole motivation: I wanted to create my own blog using my own two hands. And on November 1st 2021, thankfully my dreams came true. Web development also becomes my passion, and I began to take this seriously.

In this blog I write a lot about stuff I really am fascinated with, which are books, film, technology, psychology and some of my personal thoughts. I believe every body is free to express their opinions and their thoughts. Every one should be independently express themselves.

I hope you find this blog useful and, perhaps, helpful. If you want to say something to me regarding my post or if you want to connect with me, please do not hestitate to reach me through my social media.